Department of

Center for

Publications and Reports

Theories and research on the production of knowledge and societal change

Hage, J. 2020. Knowledge Evolution and Institutional Transformations: Action Theory Solutions to Solve Adaptive Problems. New York: Anthem Press.

Hage, Jerald and Marius Meeus (editors). 2006. Innovation, Science and Institutional Change: A Handbook of Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hage, Jerald. 2001. Adaptive Costs: A New Institutional Paradigm of Rules for the Competitive Game. Current Sociology/La Sociologie Contemporaine. 49 (4):45-66. [pdf]

Hage, Jerald and Charles Powers. 1992. Post-Industrial Lives. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Organizational Theory and Research about Innovation

Mote, JE, G Jordan, J Hage, WC Hadden, and A Clark. 2016. Too Big to Innovate: Exploring Organizational Size and Innovation Processes in Scientific Research. Science and Public Policy 43 (3):332–7. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scv045.

Hage, J. 2011. Restoring the Innovative Edge: Driving the Evolution of Science and Technology. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Hage, J., Jordan, G., and Mote, J. 2007. “R&D Integration: How to Build a Diverse and Integrated Knowledge Community.” Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology.

Hage, Jerald. 2005. Organizations and innovation: Contributions from organizational sociology and administrative science 2005. Pp. 71-112 in Innovation and Institutions: A multidisciplinary review of the study of innovation systems, edited by Casper and van Waarden. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Jordan, Gretchen, Jerald Hage, Jonathan E. Mote and Brad Hepler. 2005. “Investigating Differences Among R&D Projects and Implications for Managers.” R&D Management 35(5): 501-11. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9310.2005.00407.x

Colton, Marie, A. Powell, Gretchen Jordan, Jerald Hage and Jonathan E. Mote. 2004. “Minding the gaps: new insights into R&D management and operational transitions of NOAA satellite products.” Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) 5548 (October):1-10.

Hage, Jerald. 1999. Organizational Innovation and Organizational Change. Annual Review of Sociology 25:597-622. [pdf]

Network Theories and Research about Innovation

Hage, J, JE Mote, and GB Jordan. 2013. Ideas, Innovations, and Networks: A New Policy Model Based on the Evolution of Knowledge. Policy Sciences 46 (2):199-216. doi: 10.1007/s11077-012-9172-8.

Hage, J, and JE Mote. 2008. Transformational Organizations and Institutional Change: The Case of the Institut Pasteur and French Science. Socioeconomic Review 6 (2):313–36. doi: 10.1093/ser/mwm022.

Meeus, Marius T. H., Leon A. G. Oerlemans, and Jerald Hage. 2004. Industry-Public Knowledge Infrastructure Interaction: Intra-and Inter-Organizational Explanations of Interactive Learning. Industry & Innovation 11(4):327-352. [pdf]

Meeus, Marius T. H., Leon A.G. Oerleman, and Jerald Hage. 2001a. Patterns of Interactive Learning in a High Tech Region. Organization Studies 22 (1):145-172. [pdf]

Meeus, Marius T. H., Leon A.G. Oerleman, and Jerald Hage. 2001b. Sectoral Patterns of Interactive Learning: An Empirical Exploration of a Case in a Dutch Region. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 13 (3):407-431.[pdf]

Hage, Jerald and J. Roger Hollingsworth. 2000. A Strategy for the Analyses of Idea Innovation Networks and Institutions Organization Studies (Special Issue: The Institutional Dynamics of Innovation Systems) 21(5):971-1004. [pdf]

Studies of the shoe industry

Hage, Jerald and Wilbur Hadden. 2006. Lessons Not Learned: Organizational Population Path Dependency and Devolution in the U.S. Footwear Industry. pdf

Hage, Jerald and Wilbur Hadden. 2003. Constructing a theory about organizational populations: Contextualizing the meaning of organizational size and age. pdf

Studies of the impact of research in health care and health services

Hage, Jerald. 2013. Assessing the Benefits of the Melanoma Program of NCI for the Period of 2006-2008. pdf

Hadden, Wilbur. 2013. Assessing the Benefits of the Colorectal Cancer Program of NCI for the Period of 2006-2008. pdf

Updated 16 July 2020