Department of
Center for
Hage, J. 2020. Knowledge Evolution and Institutional Transformations: Action Theory Solutions to Solve Adaptive Problems. New York: Anthem Press.
Hage, Jerald and Marius Meeus (editors). 2006. Innovation, Science and Institutional Change: A Handbook of Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hage, Jerald. 2001. Adaptive Costs: A New Institutional Paradigm of Rules for the Competitive Game.
Current Sociology/La Sociologie Contemporaine. 49 (4):45-66. [pdf]
Hage, Jerald and Charles Powers. 1992. Post-Industrial Lives. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Mote, JE, G Jordan, J Hage, WC Hadden, and A Clark. 2016. Too Big to Innovate: Exploring Organizational Size and Innovation Processes in Scientific Research.
Science and Public Policy 43 (3):332–7. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scv045.
Hage, J. 2011. Restoring the Innovative Edge: Driving the Evolution of Science and Technology. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Hage, J., Jordan, G., and Mote, J. 2007. “R&D Integration: How to Build a Diverse and Integrated Knowledge Community.” Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology.
Hage, Jerald. 2005. Organizations and innovation: Contributions from organizational sociology and administrative science 2005.
Pp. 71-112 in Innovation and Institutions: A multidisciplinary review of the study of innovation systems, edited by Casper and van Waarden. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Jordan, Gretchen, Jerald Hage, Jonathan E. Mote and Brad Hepler. 2005. “Investigating Differences Among R&D Projects and Implications for Managers.” R&D Management 35(5): 501-11. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9310.2005.00407.x
Colton, Marie, A. Powell, Gretchen Jordan, Jerald Hage and Jonathan E. Mote. 2004. “Minding the gaps: new insights into R&D management and operational transitions of NOAA satellite products.” Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) 5548 (October):1-10.
Hage, Jerald. 1999. Organizational Innovation and Organizational Change.
Annual Review of Sociology 25:597-622. [pdf]
Hage, J, JE Mote, and GB Jordan. 2013. Ideas, Innovations, and Networks: A New Policy Model Based on the Evolution of Knowledge.
Policy Sciences 46 (2):199-216. doi: 10.1007/s11077-012-9172-8.
Hage, J, and JE Mote. 2008. Transformational Organizations and Institutional Change: The Case of the Institut Pasteur and French Science.
Socioeconomic Review 6 (2):313–36. doi: 10.1093/ser/mwm022.
Meeus, Marius T. H., Leon A. G. Oerlemans, and Jerald Hage. 2004. Industry-Public Knowledge Infrastructure Interaction: Intra-and Inter-Organizational Explanations of Interactive Learning.
Industry & Innovation 11(4):327-352. [pdf]
Meeus, Marius T. H., Leon A.G. Oerleman, and Jerald Hage. 2001a. Patterns of Interactive Learning in a High Tech Region.
Organization Studies 22 (1):145-172. [pdf]
Meeus, Marius T. H., Leon A.G. Oerleman, and Jerald Hage. 2001b. Sectoral Patterns of Interactive Learning: An Empirical Exploration of a Case in a Dutch Region.
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 13 (3):407-431.[pdf]
Hage, Jerald and J. Roger Hollingsworth. 2000. A Strategy for the Analyses of Idea Innovation Networks and Institutions
Organization Studies (Special Issue: The Institutional Dynamics of Innovation Systems) 21(5):971-1004. [pdf]
Hage, Jerald and Wilbur Hadden. 2006. Lessons Not Learned: Organizational Population Path Dependency and Devolution in the U.S. Footwear Industry.
Hage, Jerald and Wilbur Hadden. 2003. Constructing a theory about organizational populations: Contextualizing the meaning of organizational size and age.
Hage, Jerald. 2013. Assessing the Benefits of the Melanoma Program of NCI for the Period of 2006-2008.
Hadden, Wilbur. 2013. Assessing the Benefits of the Colorectal Cancer Program of NCI for the Period of 2006-2008.
Updated 16 July 2020
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